Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Like So Many Before Me...

I may be a little late to the party here, but I just saw the J'Adore commercial with Charlize Theron - the one that was shot at Versailles. It got me thinking about a few things...

1. I love getting that "I've been there!!" feeling you get when you watch things like this - commercials or movies or TV shows that highlight a famous place you have been. It makes you feel like you are in some special exclusive club, and in a way, you are. There is also that feeling of awe you get when reflecting about how many others have been there before you; famous/rich/historical/influential and otherwise. Wandering the very same halls and rooms, feeling the grandeur, the wonder, the extravagance of it all. Exploring the very same grounds you have tread. And so many people after you will experience the very same thing. It's an inspiring feeling. If those walls could talk - the stories they could tell!

2. How expensive must it have been to rent out Versailles for that commercial? I can not even fathom it.

3. Upon first watching the video I noticed the model that played Marilyn Monroe was spot on. I mean, really, really spot on. I have never seen a Marilyn look-a-like that was closer to looking like her. It was almost alarming. I had to back up a few times just out of sheer amazement. Everything right down to her body language was just uncanny. This of course, was because it was not a model playing Marilyn Monroe. It WAS in fact Marilyn Monroe, flawlessly added into the commercial à la CGI, along with Marlene Dietrich and Grace Kelly! You gotta love technology. Amazing.

4. I have decided I am ready to go back to France again! ;)

Naturally I have to add a picture of myself in the very place the J'Adore commercial was filmed.

Versailles. There I am. Standing there in the Hall of Mirrors - like so many before me. Not quite ready to strut down the runway for Dior...but, I am there. An experience I will not soon forget, that's for sure.

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