Friday, May 11, 2012

Keukenhof - Most Beautiful Spring Gardens in the World

 I was in the right place at the right time for a couple of pretty rare things on my trip to Europe. Being able to experience the breath-taking Keukenhof Gardens in Holland was one of those rare things. It is only open from March 22 - May 20.

Keukenhof, located just south west of Amsterdam in a town named Lisse, is considered the world's largest flower garden. These meticulously maintained beautiful, sweeping gardens are situated on 15th century hunting grounds. The actual grounds of Castle Keukenhof are open all year round. 

The drive from Amsterdam to Keukenhof alone was already gorgeous enough to boast about. Field after field of tulips on both sides of the road. All perfectly lined up rows in all different colors - like giant rectangular rainbows. Perfectly stunning views at every turn. This was what I had hoped for. This was what I had dreamed it would be. Upon arriving and passing through the entrance to the grounds was a small pool of water, in the middle of the pool stood a tall and very interesting fountain - it looked like a dandelion that is ready to be wished upon. A bit away from that, I could hear what I can only describe as the "old-timey" sounds of a strange machine.

As you can see in the video I took, the little figures all move in time, tapping their batons to their bells. Kinda creepy. Definitely cool. I stood under it's strange spell for probably longer than I should have before I finally snapped out of it and began  to explore this floral fantasy land sprawling out before me in every direction.

I have never seen so many flowers in my life, and I have never seen more artistically arranged and unique displays of flowers in my life. I felt like Dorothy entering the land of Oz - the colors were so vibrant. Everything was so lush. I was lost in a gorgeous labyrinth of blooming pathways. Every different path leading to more and more beauty, meandering endlessly, introducing me to every flower known to man...or at least it seemed that way. At one point, I reached a pond filled with swans. The view from where I stood was just lovely. Overlooking rows of hot pink and pale pink tulips, emerald green grass that I'm sure rivals the greenest grasses of Ireland, perfect path ways winding along, scattered with trees standing guard here and there..and swans swimming gracefully by...such a vision.

After hours exploring Keukenhof, I was beyond tired. After all, I had been up well over 24 hours by this point. After checking in at the hotel at 6am, naturally the room wasn't going to be ready until the morning had been spent wandering the streets of Amsterdam, and then taking the train, followed by the Kekenhof shuttle to the gardens. I still can not believe how lucky I was to have been in Holland at the perfect time. I had not even heard of this place until right before my trip. And though I knew I wanted to see tulip fields, I certainly did not not know I would be fortunate enough to be around during the relatively small window of time the world famous Keukenhof  gardens would be open! I'm a pretty lucky gal....

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