Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Travel Adventure Looming

So, I am very excited. I am going to be traveling out of the country again- Holland, Belgium, and France! Everything is booked, everything is set. In some ways I don't think it has really set in yet that I am going to be embarking on another adventure into foreign lands. Maybe it's just too far away at the moment, and seems like a distant, hazy plan. That must be it.

As it turns out, my passport expired this month - January 2012. Getting a new passport picture has already been an adventure. I figured I would just go to Walgreens, as I knew that they took passport photos and that it was much more convenient for me to get to than anywhere else. FAIL. It took 4 people and about 45 minutes to figure out how to take a picture with the right dimensions and print it out. At one point I was helping them navigate their own system, but unfortunately they still could not grasp what they were doing. They took my picture about 5 times until finally a manager (that I had asked for from the very start) came up and finished the transaction in probably under 30 seconds. Gotta love incompetence.

Anyway, I can't wait to add my stories on here- and I again feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to see all these amazing places, and experience all these different cultures. I love adventures!!!!

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